Friday, January 23, 2009

Pistols bandmates Steve Jones Paul Cook

Thats what it feels like for Holly when Hugh give her a facial. Sex Pistols bandmates Steve Jones and Paul Cook are said to be writing a new club anthem for Chelsea Football Club. In the celebrity fans race, I think the Phillies just picked up some major points. The latest national Rasmussen poll says Obama leads McCain by 8 points (52-44 percent) while the latest Electoral College projections show Obama leading 260-163. Republican presidential candidate John McCain said on Thursday that questions about Democratic rival Barack Obamas association with a former war protester linked to Vietnam-era bombings are part of a broader issue of honesty. The 20-year-old actress plays Renee, the wife of a young soldier who was injured in Iraq, befriends Denise ( Catherine Bell ) and accompanies her to Casino Night on the Post.

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